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Five Questions

Zoom screenshot showing Patrizia Vannini with her research team, including her summer mentee.

Five Questions with Patrizia Vannini

August 9, 2021 | A mentor in our summer internship program discusses research with her mentee investigating stress and post-traumatic growth during COVID-19.

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Screenshot taken on Zoom showing side-by-side photos of Mora and her mentor.

Five Questions with VRIP Intern Ariana Mora

July 19, 2021 | Our summer intern discusses her research evaluating healthcare spending & clinical outcomes among disadvantaged populations.

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Frank Sacks and three of his PhD students from Harvard School of Public Health stand in front of a poster, presenting their work at the International Symposium on Atherosclerosis in Amsterdam.

Five Questions with Frank Sacks

July 13, 2021 | A cardiovascular researcher discusses how funding has supported his work investigating cholesterol and cognitive heath.

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Photo of Junaid Nabi in a suit standing in front of a research poster.

Five Questions with Junaid Nabi

May 18, 2021 | Our ambassador for Postgraduate Education shares his work which examines how value-based healthcare strategy can transform delivery and promote health equity.

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Paul Lizano stands next to his research assistant, who is staring at the computer and wearing a cap with wires on it.

Five Questions with Paulo Lizano

March 23, 2021 | A neuropsychiatrist discusses his novel treatment for visual hallucinations using electrical stimulation.

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Jenna McNeill in scrubs in a hospital room working.

Five Questions with Jenna McNeill

March 9, 2021 | A trainee in our CT Research Academy broadens her research career in pulmonary hypertension and expands her connections to others in the field.

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Lauren Collen working in the lab with white coat and mask on.

Five Questions with Lauren Veit Collen

February 23, 2021 | A clinical fellow in gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition at Boston Children's Hospital learns to navigate launching a research career in gastroenterology as part of Harvard Catalyst's Clinical/Translational Research Academy.

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Haitham Alabsi looks at monitor while checking patients vitals in hospital room while another medical staff member in scrubs points at the monitor.

Five Questions with Haitham Alabsi

February 9, 2021 | Our C/T Research Academy trainee discusses the role of precision medicine in his work to create personalized treatments as part of neurocritical care and research.

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