Domain Four: Visualize Science
Competent scientific communicators…
4.1 Utilize basic graphic design principles in all types of visual content.
a. Identify which element(s) of their design should serve as a focal point.
b. Arrange and compose visual content so that it is easy to follow and understand (e.g., layout, labeling/scaffolding, flow).
c. Adhere to accessibility standards (e.g., color choice and contrast, font type and size, alt text for images).
4.2 Visualize data effectively.
a. Choose the best type of visualization for their data (e.g., graph, chart, diagram).
b. Customize figures based on the parameters of different modalities (e.g., in manuscripts, on slides or posters, in grant applications, in social media).
c. Identify key points and avoid distractions/extraneous content.
d. Create clear and accurate (i.e., not misleading) figures (e.g., appropriate amount of data, clear labels and legends).
e. Develop inclusive visuals (i.e., consider the implications of your design including language and color choice on the viewer’s interpretation).
f. Utilize data visualization software and tools for print and/or digital media.
g. Save images in appropriate formats for publishing and printing.
4.3 Adapt design of visuals based on context (e.g., conference, research group meeting, journal publication, social media post, public service announcement, flyer).
a. Customize design based on delivery modality (e.g., print/physical, digital, mobile/desktop design).
b. Customize design based on audience (e.g., mentors, funders, peers, students, patients/users, public).
c. Utilize best practices for sharing visuals on social media.
4.4 Build dynamic scientific posters.
a. Recognize and follow the standard formats and expectations for posters.
b. Demonstrate effective poster design techniques (e.g., layout, amount of text, font style, size and spacing, color choice).
c. Customize poster design based on format (e.g., printed vs. digital poster).
d. Recognize best practices and common pitfalls of poster design.
4.5 Create engaging slides.
a. Recognize and follow the standard formats and expectations for the slides that accompany a given type of talk.
b. Utilize effective slide design techniques (e.g., layout, amount of text, font style, size and spacing, color choice).
c. Adapt data visualizations for slides (e.g., simplify complex data, call out key results).
d. Recognize best practices and common pitfalls of slide design.
4.6 Appropriately cite/attribute images and data.
a. Recognize the ethical and legal principles that inform citation and image attribution practices.
b. Apply appropriate citation practices based on modality.
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