About Profiles

Profiles RNS logoCollaboration is often the catalyst behind important scientific discovery. Social media has done much to make people more connected, but none of the most prominent platforms are really designed to facilitate connections between investigators based on expertise.

Profiles Research Networking Software (RNS) visualizes expertise networks and aggregates professional data about researchers so they can make essential connections with investigators to work on important scientific questions.

The application sources an array of data about a researcher—from publications, education experience, and awards to the categories of medical concepts their research addresses—to compose an “electronic CV”.

Networks of researchers based on publication co-authorship are presented to users visually, and custom networking tools allow users to put together research networks from scratch.

Users are able to take advantage of multi-dimensional search options to find a researcher by querying medical concepts, investigator names, and even publication titles.

Profiles was developed in 2008 and has been adopted by higher education institutions across the US and around the globe.