NCATS Trial Innovation Network (TIN)
Harvard Catalyst is a member of the Trial Innovation Network (TIN). The TIN, funded by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) at NIH, is a collaborative national network of all CTSA Program Hubs for facilitating faster and more cost-effective multisite studies, including use of a single IRB system and master contracting agreements.
NCATS is also committed to removing roadblocks to clinical research by identifying and sharing best practice in clinical and translational research. The TIN includes three Trial Innovation Centers (TICs), which focus on operational excellence, and a Recruitment Innovation Center (RIC), which focuses on developing evidence-based recruitment and retention methods. Harvard investigators can propose studies to the TIN or become a site investigator for an external study shared with Harvard through the TIN.
For Harvard investigators wishing to conduct a study using the TIN:
Proposals submitted to the TIN must be accompanied by an approval letter from the Harvard Catalyst TIN Liaisons which will be granted only after the proposal has been locally vetted and centrally reviewed and approved.
To begin the process, contact your lead Administrator/Operations Navigator who can guide you to the right person at your institution to discuss and develop your proposal:
Boston Children’s Hospital
Erica Denhoff, MPH, CCRP
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Michelle Beck, MBA
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Yemi Talabi-Oates, MBA
Massachusetts General Hospital
Lynelle Cortellini, MSc, CRA
Locally-vetted proposals are then centrally reviewed by a cross-institutional Connector team for design quality and scientific validity. Approved proposals can be submitted to the TIN for consideration.
For more information, see the TIN website and Proposal Submission Instructions.