

We offer statistical consultations to faculty, focusing on clinical and translational research in the early stages of development. Find out more and request a consultation.


Seminars on current applied topics in biostatistics, available to Harvard biostatisticians and researchers interested in acquiring more sophisticated skills. This includes our monthly journal club and work in progress sessions, seminar series, symposia, and short courses. View our educational offerings.


The Biostatistics program supports Harvard University clinical and translational investigators. Drawing on a team of highly skilled biostatisticians from our academic and hospital community, the program offers biostatistics consultations on a range of topics as well as software tools to researchers as they design new studies. In addition, the program also offers bioinformatics consultations.

The program also provides training for clinical investigators in the principles and methods of biostatistics via our Postgraduate Education’s Applied Biostatistics Certificate course, as well as seminars, lectures, and workshops. In addition, the program promotes the intellectual and professional development of Harvard Catalyst biostatisticians.

Biostatistical resources and software from the CTSA Consortium and beyond