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Grand Rounds: Precision Medicine and Integrative Oncology – An ‘Exceptional’ Case of Pancreatic Cancer – October 1

Tuesday, October 1, 2019
8:00 am – 9:00 am
Bornstein Amphitheater

Grand Rounds: Precision Medicine and Integrative Oncology – An ‘Exceptional’ Case of Pancreatic Cancer

A clinical case presentation of an “exceptional” cancer patient using precision medicine and an integrative medical approach in managing a cancer diagnosis. The patient will present her perspective on the combined care received.

This clinical case presentation will be led by Aditi Nerurkar, MD, MPH, medical director from the Cheng-Tsui Integrated Health Center at Beth Israel Medical Center. Discussant. Joseph Grossman, MD, attending physician in GI Oncology at BIDMC will present the patient’s oncologic care, and acupuncturist, Jessica Butler, MAOM, from the Cheng-Tsui Integrated Health Center will join the panel discussion.

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