Individual Considerations: Connecting with Community

How do I build trust and connection with community members to support study recruitment?


Community Coalition for Equity in Research

This coalition provides high-quality community input on research proposals and protocols, as well as a trusted communication channel between researchers and community stakeholders.

Community-Engaged Research Course

An online course offered each fall through Harvard Catalyst that focuses on methods and principles of community-engaged research and fostering collaboration between community members and researchers.

Connecting with Community

Community Coalition for Equity in Research
This resource, developed by the Community Coalition for Equity in Research, provides a guide for researchers beginning to develop partnerships with community organizations.

Consultations with Harvard Catalyst Community Engagement Program Team

A free resource where members of the CEP team consult with researchers and community to support community-engaged research, implementation, and evaluation projects.

Recruitment of Underrepresented Study Populations

A webinar and Q&A from University of California San Francisco that offers strategies to improve enrollment of underrepresented communities including tips on connecting with communities for recruitment.

Tips & Tricks for Increasing Recruitment

Guidebook developed by the Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute for improving recruitment through connecting with community partners (p.9-11) and addressing common recruitment challenges (p.18-21).

Toolkit for Developing Community Partnerships (from SC-CTSI)

Guidebook developed by the Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute on conducting community engaged research and creating partnerships in the community.