Research Participant Resources

Key Features

  • Digital and print-on-demand brochures support conversations between research staff and potential participants (available in translation)
  • Useful for discussing research participation, including risks and benefits, as well as participant rights and protections
  • Available to investigators, research nurses, study staff, institutions, and individuals considering research participation

The materials and resources available below support communication between researchers and participants. These resources provide useful information and helpful questions to think about and to ask before deciding to participate in a research study.

COVID-19 Research Materials

Harvard Catalyst and MRCT have collaborated on a series of flyers that can be included in recruitment and education efforts for COVID-19 research studies.

Brochure User Guide

The Brochure User Guide is designed to introduce a library of available brochures and provide suggestions on how best to use them to support bidirectional communication between research teams and current and prospective participants.


View our series of brochures to learn more about research participant resources.

Brochure cover showing a woman doctor talking to a woman. They are sitting at a table across from each other.


Educating Children and Families about Medical Research

Sophie’s Science Project is an engaging and lively animation video that explores the ins and outs of participating in research and outlines the informed consent process. It  can be used by clinical research teams as a resource to share with study participants or shared in educational settings to educate children and families about the importance of medical research in advancing human health.

The video was created by Thomas Naughton, Senior Software Quality Assurance Engineer in our Informatics team. The content is based on the comic book “Sophie’s Science Project” which was developed by Children’s Hospital Boston, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Contact Us

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To request high-resolution files to print or adapt, please email