Advanced Microscopy – Zooming in on the Big Idea in Pathology

In this initiative, the Harvard Catalyst Translational Innovator Program invited investigators to submit innovative pilot grant applications that utilized the advanced Zeiss microscopes at the Harvard Center for Biological Imaging (HCBI), with a focus on advancing an area of clinical investigation centered on pathology. Applications were required to:

(1) address areas of pathology that cannot be addressed using current technology applied in clinical practice or (2) provide substantial improvements on current practice

The awarded projects center on the development of new diagnostics and biomarkers or provide new insight into the pathophysiology of disease.  

Funding Decisions were announced in February 2014

Sponsoring Program

Translational Innovator


Elena Aikawa, MD, PhD | Novel Mechanism of Atherosclerotic Plaque Rupture: Zooming in on the Genesis of Microcalcifications
Andrew Beck, MD, PhD | Systematic Analysis of Breast Neoplasia with Lightsheet Microscopy
Katie Bentley, PhD | Zooming in on the Big "Eye-dea" in Retinopathy: Live Imaging Ocular Angiogenesis
David Clapham, MD, PhD | Human Focal Cortical Dysplasia: A Brainbow Connectomics Approach
Beverly Faulkner-Jones, MD, PhD | Advancing from Two to Three Dimensions in Digital Pathology
Susan Hagen, PhD | Studying Gastric Cancer Pathogenesis using Correlative High-Resolution Microscopy and Genomics
Aldebaran Hofer, PhD | Polycystic Kidney Disease: Visualizing Signals that Drive Cyst Initiation in 3D
Anthony Iafrate, MD, PhD | Highly Multiplexed FISH for in situ Genomics
Rakesh Karmacharya, MD PhD | Disease-specific Cellular Features in Schizophrenia
Astrid Weins, MD, PhD | Super-resolution Microscopy as a Novel Diagnostic Approach in Renal Pathology
Leonard Zon, MD | Visualizing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Engraftment in its Endogenous Niche