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Webinar: New AI Solutions in the COVID-19 Response: Getting an Idea off the Ground During a Pandemic – May 28

Thursday, May 28, 2020
9:00 am – 10:00 am

Webinar: New AI Solutions in the COVID-19 Response: Getting an Idea off the Ground During a Pandemic

‘Necessity is the mother of innovation’, and the COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. While the rapid spread of the virus has led to unprecedented health needs, it has also created a window of opportunity for innovators globally.

In response, this webinar will bring together innovators from low and middle income countries who are creating AI solutions that specifically address COVID-related challenges. Entrepreneurs will discuss how they transitioned creative ideas to tangible output, highlight the ways the innovation ecosystem has changed in the midst of the pandemic, and reflect on why local ideas can sometimes be the most impactful ones.

Part of a new webinar series hosted by DASH, the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Summits for Health. In partnership with Novartis Foundation, Harvard Global Health Institute and MIT Critical Data. Support provided by Harvard University Center for African Studies.

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