An Integrated Neuroimaging Approach to Inform Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Targeting in Visual Hallucinations
Nicolas Raymond, Robert M G Reinhart, Matcheri Keshavan, Paulo Lizano
For decades, noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS), such as transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), has been used to directly modulate human brain mechanisms of visual perception, setting the groundwork for the development of novel circuit-based therapies. While the field of NIBS has grown considerably over recent years, few studies have used these technologies to treat visual hallucinations (VH). Here, we review the NIBS-VH literature and find mixed results due to shortcomings that may potentially be addressed with a unique multimodal neuroimaging-NIBS approach. We highlight methodological advances in NIBS research that have provided researchers with more precise anatomical measurements that may improve our ability to influence brain activity. Specifically, we propose a methodology that combines neuroimaging advances, clinical neuroscience developments such as the identification of brain regions causally involved in VH, and personalized NIBS approaches that improve anatomical targeting. This methodology may enable us to reconcile existing discrepancies in tES-VH research and pave the way for more effective, VH-specific protocols for treating a number of neuropsychiatric disorders with VH as a core symptom.
For decades, noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS), such as transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), has been used to directly modulate human brain mechanisms of visual perception, setting the groundwork for the development of novel circuit-based therapies. While the field of NIBS has grown considerably over recent years, few studies have used these technologies to treat visual hallucinations (VH). Here, we review the NIBS-VH literature and find mixed results due to shortcomings that may potentially be addressed with a unique multimodal neuroimaging-NIBS approach. We highlight methodological advances in NIBS research that have provided researchers with more precise anatomical measurements that may improve our ability to influence brain activity. Specifically, we propose a methodology that combines neuroimaging advances, clinical neuroscience developments such as the identification of brain regions causally involved in VH, and personalized NIBS approaches that improve anatomical targeting. This methodology may enable us to reconcile existing discrepancies in tES-VH research and pave the way for more effective, VH-specific protocols for treating a number of neuropsychiatric disorders with VH as a core symptom.
Assessing visual search performance using a novel dynamic naturalistic scene
Christopher R. Bennett; Peter J. Bex; Lotfi B. Merabet
Daily activities require the constant searching and tracking of visual targets in dynamic and complex scenes. Classic work assessing visual search performance has been dominated by the use of simple geometric shapes, patterns, and static backgrounds. Recently, there has been a shift toward investigating visual search in more naturalistic dynamic scenes using virtual reality (VR)-based paradigms. In this direction, we have developed a first-person perspective VR environment combined with eye tracking for the capture of a variety of objective measures. Participants were instructed to search for a preselected human target walking in a crowded hallway setting. Performance was quantified based on saccade and smooth pursuit ocular motor behavior. To assess the effect of task difficulty, we manipulated factors of the visual scene, including crowd density (i.e., number of surrounding distractors) and the presence of environmental clutter. In general, results showed a pattern of worsening performance with increasing crowd density. In contrast, the presence of visual clutter had no effect. These results demonstrate how visual search performance can be investigated using VR-based naturalistic dynamic scenes and with high behavioral relevance. This engaging platform may also have utility in assessing visual search in a variety of clinical populations of interest.
Daily activities require the constant searching and tracking of visual targets in dynamic and complex scenes. Classic work assessing visual search performance has been dominated by the use of simple geometric shapes, patterns, and static backgrounds. Recently, there has been a shift toward investigating visual search in more naturalistic dynamic scenes using virtual reality (VR)-based paradigms. In this direction, we have developed a first-person perspective VR environment combined with eye tracking for the capture of a variety of objective measures. Participants were instructed to search for a preselected human target walking in a crowded hallway setting. Performance was quantified based on saccade and smooth pursuit ocular motor behavior. To assess the effect of task difficulty, we manipulated factors of the visual scene, including crowd density (i.e., number of surrounding distractors) and the presence of environmental clutter. In general, results showed a pattern of worsening performance with increasing crowd density. In contrast, the presence of visual clutter had no effect. These results demonstrate how visual search performance can be investigated using VR-based naturalistic dynamic scenes and with high behavioral relevance. This engaging platform may also have utility in assessing visual search in a variety of clinical populations of interest.
Preliminary Evaluation of a Smartphone App for Refractive Error Measurement
Gang Luo, Chen-Yuan Lee, Prerana Shivshanker, Wenbo Cheng, Jamie Wang, Sophia Marusic, Aparna Raghuram, Yan Jiang, Rui Liu
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential feasibility of using a smartphone app in myopia screening.
Methods: The app estimates myopic refractive error by measuring the far point distance for reading three 20/20 Tumbling E letters. In total, 113 myopic subjects with astigmatism no greater than -1.75 diopters (D) were enrolled from 5 sites. The mean age was 22 ± 8.5 years. The app measurement was compared with noncycloplegic subjective refraction measurement or autorefractor if subjective refraction was not available. In addition, 22 subjects were tested with the app for repeatability.
Results: For 201 eyes included, the range of spherical equivalent refraction error was 0 to -10.2 D. The app measurement and clinical measurement was highly correlated (Pearson R = 0.91, P < 0.001). There was a small bias (0.17 D) in the app measurement overall, and it was significantly different across the 5 sites due to different age of subjects enrolled at those sites (P = 0.001) - young adults in their 20s were underestimated the most by 0.49 D, whereas children were overestimated by 0.29 D. The mean absolute deviation of the app measurement was 0.65 D. The repeatability of multiple testing in terms of 95% limit of agreement was ±0.61 D.
Conclusions: Overall, the app measurement is consistent with clinical measurement performed by vision care professionals. The repeatability is comparable with that of some autorefractors. Age-associated human factors may influence the app measurement.
Translational relevance: The app could be potentially used as a mass screening tool for myopia.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential feasibility of using a smartphone app in myopia screening.
Methods: The app estimates myopic refractive error by measuring the far point distance for reading three 20/20 Tumbling E letters. In total, 113 myopic subjects with astigmatism no greater than -1.75 diopters (D) were enrolled from 5 sites. The mean age was 22 ± 8.5 years. The app measurement was compared with noncycloplegic subjective refraction measurement or autorefractor if subjective refraction was not available. In addition, 22 subjects were tested with the app for repeatability.
Results: For 201 eyes included, the range of spherical equivalent refraction error was 0 to -10.2 D. The app measurement and clinical measurement was highly correlated (Pearson R = 0.91, P < 0.001). There was a small bias (0.17 D) in the app measurement overall, and it was significantly different across the 5 sites due to different age of subjects enrolled at those sites (P = 0.001) - young adults in their 20s were underestimated the most by 0.49 D, whereas children were overestimated by 0.29 D. The mean absolute deviation of the app measurement was 0.65 D. The repeatability of multiple testing in terms of 95% limit of agreement was ±0.61 D.
Conclusions: Overall, the app measurement is consistent with clinical measurement performed by vision care professionals. The repeatability is comparable with that of some autorefractors. Age-associated human factors may influence the app measurement.
Translational relevance: The app could be potentially used as a mass screening tool for myopia.