Program Rationale

In this funding cycle, NIH/NCATS (NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences) required all Clinical and Translational Science Centers (CTSCs), including Harvard Catalyst, to identify and then mitigate roadblocks that impede health-related research at their institutions.

One of the blocks defined at Harvard was the problem of “limited access to and participation of diverse populations in research,” a problem common to many institutions performing clinical and translational research.

A recent ideation challenge offered to the Harvard community identified as under-addressed numerous issues that contribute to failures of inclusivity related to participation in clinical research studies.  In response to this feedback, this Request for Applications (RFA) is focused on the broad topic of improving participation in research studies with an emphasis on overcoming classes of obstacles identified by our own community, which include a range of disabilities and socio-economic barriers.


This RFA seeks innovative pilot translational science initiatives aimed at augmenting inclusivity of clinical trials at all levels of engagement, including enrollment and participation.

Specifically, the focus is on characterizing and addressing obstacles faced by individuals or groups in accessing or participating in clinical research studies, with the goal of fostering a more inclusive and representative research landscape.

In addition to issues that have and continue to receive attention, such as race and gender, our community highlighted the obstacles experienced related to sensory, mobility, and cognitive disabilities, and impediments imposed by locoregional or socioeconomic circumstances.

Limited awareness within the research community regarding such impediments and their potential remediation can further create additional obstacles.


Examples of topics that would be responsive to this RFA include but are not limited to the following:

  • Pilot approaches that could lead to new analytic frameworks, strategies, interventions, or changes in practice to address the persistent racial disparities in kidney transplantation.
  • Characterization of the frequency or nature of sensory, mobility, and cognitive disabilities or other impairments or limitations as a deterrent to access, enrollment, and participation in clinical trials.
  • Validation of existing or pilot deployment of novel aids, interventions, or other supports for those with sensory, mobility, and cognitive disabilities or other impairments or limitations, the goal of which is to increase capacity to access, consider, consent, and participate in clinical trials.
  • Development or validation of approaches to mitigate or eliminate obstacles to research participation conferred by socioeconomic constraints (e.g. limited access to necessary transportation, wifi access, childcare, or limited job flexibility).
  • Studies of novel approaches that address participation in clinical trials or validation of trial results in special populations. For example, prisoners, pregnant women, and those suffering from neurocognitive diseases.
  • Innovative characterization of or pilot interventions or approaches to the cultural and linguistic sensitivity and competency of trial recruitment, enrollment, and conduct practices.
  • Proposed addition of a translational science component to an existing clinical trial, such as studying why patients cancel/miss required study appointments or characterizing physical or socioeconomic aspects of participation that were challenging or limiting.

Translational Science

The term “translational science” and its relation to “translational research” may be new or unclear to many potential applicants. Translational research is defined by NIH/NCATS as “the endeavor to traverse a particular step of the translational process for a particular target or disease. Translational science is the field of investigation focused on understanding the scientific and operational principles underlying each step of the translational process. Whereas translational research focuses on the specific case of a target or disease, translational science is focused on the general case that applies to any target or disease. A key tenet of translational science is to understand common causes of inefficiency and failure in translational research projects for example incorrect predictions of the toxicity or efficacy of new drugs, lack of data interoperability, ineffective clinical trial recruitment.”

A more extensive statement and examples of the difference between translational research and translational science are provided in the Application Guide below.


Danielle Bitterman | Developing new technologies for improving inclusive language in clinical trial materials
Nathaniel Harnett | Evaluating structural barriers to research participation and retention for ethnoracially minoritized individuals in a nationwide longitudinal cohort study on traumatic stress
Levi Kanu | Identifying and addressing enrollment patterns and disparities in clinical trials of keratoconus
Caroline Kaufman | Recommendations for inclusion of religious and spiritual diversity in behavioral health research
Einat Liebenthal | Inclusion of Individuals with Neurocognitive Disorders in Research
Ankur Pandya | Quantifying the Expected Value of Representation in Trials
Tony Pham | Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for the chronic pain-early cognitive decline co-morbidity among older Black individuals in the community; The Feeling of Being study
Yakeel Quiroz | Breaking down barriers to recruiting Latino individuals into Alzheimer's disease clinical trials

Application Guide

Definitions of Translational Research vs. Translational Science
A more in-depth explanation of translational science as explained by NIH/NCATS:
Can you give a more specific example of the difference between translational research and translational science?