Advancing Child Health through Translational Research

The Harvard Catalyst Child Health Initiative sponsored this Pilot Grant opportunity in order to generate new insights about conditions and diseases affecting children and their long-term consequences for adult health.

This 2012 RFA sought innovative applications that addressed one or more of three main themes:

  1. Innovative Technologies to Advance Child Health
  2. Health Systems and the Community
  3. Life-course, Development, and Transitions

This funding opportunity was open to any faculty member holding a Harvard University faculty appointment. A collaborative team was required and inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional collaborations were encouraged. Seven Pilot Grants were awarded in amounts of up to $50,000 for each one-year project.

Funding decisions for the Child Health Pilot Grants were announced in early April 2012.

Sponsoring Program

Child Health


Joel Hirschhorn, MD, PhD | Transcription Profiles of Severe Pediatric and Persistent Adult Asthma Phenotypes
Michael Jerosch, PhD | Cardiac Remodeling in Adolescents with Metabolic Syndrome Using Cardiac MRI
Robert Plenge, MD, PhD | Novel Autoantigen Discovery with a Synthetic Human Peptidome in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Vincent Smith, MD, MPH | Physiological Interventions and Biomarkers for Enhancing Neonatal Health
Elsie Taveras, MD, MPH | Innovative Clinical-community Partnerships to Reduce Disparities in Childhood Obesity: Exploring Positive Deviance and the Role of Neighborhood Context
Dennis Wall, PhD | Shortening the Behavioral Diagnosis of Autism through Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Health Technology
Elissa Weitzman, MSc, ScD | Diabetes Social Networking for Safe Healthcare Transitions into College