GRASP Events and Ongoing Support
If you are interested in participating in any of the events and you are an active GRASP participant, please contact us by emailing To apply for the program, please review the Overview page.
GRASP Events Calendar 2024-2025 (For Active Participants Only)
GRASP Orientation Workshop 2024 (virtual): During this workshop, GRASP faculty welcome new participants into the program, review program tools and longitudinal support, identify skills and attributes of a competent independent researcher, review the importance of diversifying a funding portfolio, and provide an overview of the NIH grant review process. The workshop also facilitates networking between participants. All active participants have the option of attending the workshop again as a refresher.
October 16, 2024 | 9:00am-12:00pm EST
October 23, 2024 | 9:00am-12:00pm EST
October 30, 2024 | 9:00am-12:00pm EST
Specific Aim Page Critique Workshop Dates (virtual): Specific Aims Page Critique Modules provide a forum for participants to receive individualized, in-depth feedback on their draft aims pages by faculty members and peers. Each module is specifically designed for a maximum of three participants per faculty member so that each participant’s aims page receives a 30-minute critique. Participants leave the module with a copy of their faculty-critiqued aims page and feedback from the group discussion. Participants are allowed to participate in as many modules as available.
April 17, 2025 | 2:00pm-4:00pm EST
May 27, 2025 | 1:00 – 3:00pm EST
Fall 2025 (date TBD)
Grant Writing Seminar (virtual): The AtKisson Training Group (ATG) provides a comprehensive training on writing an NIH R grant, focusing on how and why successful proposals work. Participants learn to manage their frustration with writing and to increase their chances of success. Facilitators provide in-depth instructions on how to prepare and write each part of an NIH R01 grant application. As this seminar is offered to new cohorts annually, active participants have the option to attend the workshop again as a refresher closer to their R or equivalent grant submission.
March 4, 2025 | 9:00-11:30am EST
March 11, 2025 | 9:00-11:30am EST
March 18, 2025 | 9:00-11:30am EST
March 25, 2025 | 9:00-11:30am EST
Ongoing Resources
Faculty Office Hours: Do you have grant-related challenges, timeline considerations, grant summary statements, or other grant-related questions you would like to discuss? If so, reserve a time to meet with a GRASP faculty member who host bi-weekly office hours for participants. Meetings are typically 30-60 minutes in length and are confidential. Participants can schedule a meeting with faculty by contacting the GRASP team via email.
Staff Office Hours: Do you have questions related to customizing and adjusting your work plan, logistical questions related to using your work plan, or questions about Harvard Catalyst resources and educational activities? If so, reach out to set up a meeting with the GRASP support staff who will suggest options and solutions to assure work plans accommodate specific grant submission goals and timelines. Participants can schedule a meeting with staff by contacting the GRASP team via email.
Writing and Communication Center’s Grant Writing Tips: This Harvard Catalyst resource provides strategies and tools to help you effectively navigate the process of prewriting, writing, and rewriting your grant application to maximize chances of success. Originally created for GRASP participants, the center is a compilation of tips, resources, and strategies to assist participants in navigating the grant-writing process. As this resource is frequently updated with new tips, we encourage participants to review it often.
Questions? Email us: