Workshop: Healthcare Market Research
Thursday, March 28, 2019
8:30 pm – 12:00 pm
8:30 pm – 12:00 pm
Partners Innovation
215 First Street
First Floor Seminar Room
Cambridge, MA 02142
215 First Street
First Floor Seminar Room
Cambridge, MA 02142
Workshop: Healthcare Market Research – 3/28/2019
Great work in life science research does not always lead to better healthcare, often because of a lack of understanding the market. Market research helps you learn about your customers (patients, doctors, hospitals), your competitors, and potential barriers to entry. This research is necessary to reduce real and perceived business risks associated with your invention, helps uncover new trends or problems in the current market, and identifies opportunities for revenue.
Workshop goals:
- Understand the complexity of healthcare markets
- Understand barriers for new healthcare products
- Learn market sizing techniques
- Learn tips and trick of healthcare market research