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Symposium: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Participant Research: What’s Next? – October 26

Thursday, October 26, 2023
12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Harvard Medical School, Waterhouse Room, Gordon Hall

Symposium: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Participant Research: What’s Next?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have become highly polarized subjects. An understanding of the potential impact on human participant research is rapidly evolving. This symposium, hosted by Harvard Catalyst’s Regulatory Foundations, Ethics, and Law program, will provide a brief background and history of AI and its current state within targeted areas of human participant research and institutional review board (IRB) operations. Speakers will discuss the current capabilities–and the complexities– of using AI in human participant research, how to facilitate the adoption of this technology more readily in human participant research, and the updated processes required of IRB/ human research protection programs (HRPPs) personnel when reviewing a study utilizing AI.

Registration to attend in-person is limited. We invite you to attend virtually via Zoom.

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