Online course: Introduction to Designing & Conducting Mixed Methods Research – August 4-September 29

Online course: Introduction to Designing & Conducting Mixed Methods Research
Session dates: August 4 – September 29, 2021
Application deadline: July 21, 2021
Eight-week course offering an introduction to mixed methods research in the health sciences. Participants will learn how qualitative and quantitative data can be integrated to capture the perspectives of patients, providers, communities, or healthcare organizations in order to answer complex research questions. The course will also cover formulating research questions, collecting and analyzing different types of data, choosing the appropriate mixed methods designs, and interpreting mixed method research results.
Time commitment:
Online course work and assignments averaging two to three hours per week
Researchers who may want to apply a mixed methods-approach to their work
MD, PhD, DMD, ScD, DNP, or master’s degree, with prior knowledge of quantitative methodologies (priority will be given to fellows and junior faculty)
- Free for Harvard-affiliated institutions
- CTSA member: $337.50
(Note: this is a 25% discount off the standard fee) - Non-CTSA member: $450.00
- Cancellation and Refund Policy [PDF]
- Course fees can be modified for participants unable to meet financial requirements due to their geographical location. Email to inquire about potential eligibility.