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Online course: Funding Your Research: How to Obtain Foundation & Philanthropic Grants – February 7 – March 20

Deadline Friday, February 2, 2024

Online course: Funding Your Research: How to Obtain Foundation & Philanthropic Grants

Session dates: February 7 – March 20, 2024
Registration deadline: February 2, 2024

Online course for clinical professionals applying for foundation and philanthropic grant funding.

Time commitment:

Online course work/assignments average two to three hours per week.


MD, PhD, DMD, ScD, DNP, or doctorate-level degree, or involvement in a grant-writing team.

Harvard Catalyst’s Education Program offers first priority to applicants who are current Harvard students, faculty, or current employees of Harvard University, its fifteen schools, and its nineteen academic healthcare centers.

Applicants not from an institution affiliated with Harvard Catalyst are accepted for a fee when space is available. For additional details, please email course administrators.


  • Free for Harvard-affiliated institutions
  • Non-CTSA member: $500.00
  • CTSA member: $375.00

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