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Lecture: Data + Donuts: Joseph Hnath on Choice, Competition, & Regulation in Medicare – February 28

Friday, February 28, 2025
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Online & in-person
Harvard Kennedy School, 79 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA map

Lecture: Data + Donuts: Joseph Hnath on Choice, Competition, & Regulation in Medicare

Joseph Hnath is a PhD candidate in health policy (G5, Economics) at Harvard University. At this session of Data + Donuts, Hnath will present on his dissertation research which examines choice, competition, and regulation in Medicare Advantage with a focus on Special Needs Plans (SNPs). He’ll also share some of the computational methods and tools he uses to pursue his research.

Joseph’s talk will be given in a hybrid format. Register to receive a link to join via Zoom. In-person attendees can join us in the Malkin Penthouse (Littauer Building, 4th Floor). Those without an HUID may enter via the Wexner security desk after showing a photo ID. View a map of campus.

Data + Donuts features researchers and practitioners speaking about how they use data in their work, and on issues of data and society. We welcome those from the HKS community and beyond to share knowledge, discussion, and donuts.

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