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Hybrid course: Clinical Trial Design – April 1-May 27

Deadline: Friday, March 6, 2020
Online & Longwood Medical Area

Hybrid course: Clinical Trial Design

Session Dates: April 1 – May 27, 2020
Application Deadline: March 6, 2020

This hybrid (online and in-person) course focuses on the theory and practice of clinical trials. Participants plan and develop a clinical trial proposal with the help of biostatistical consultations, as well as online didactic lectures and peer feedback. At the conclusion of this nine-week course, each participant leaves with a complete protocol design and template.


  • MD, PhD, DMD, DNP, or equivalent.
  • Hypothesis and specific aims ready for development.
  • Biomedical scientists, researchers, and MDs outside of Harvard are welcome and encouraged to apply.

Time Commitment:

  • A combination of online and in-person course work over nine weeks with six mandatory in-person meetings.


  • Free for Harvard-affiliated institutions
  • CTSA member: $1650.00
  • Non-CTSA member: $2200.00

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