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Funding: Boston Roybal Center – Call for 2022 Pilot Project Proposals – December 1

October 11 – December 1, 2021

Funding: Boston Roybal Center – Call for 2022 Pilot Project Proposals

The Boston Roybal Center for Active Lifestyle Interventions (RALI Boston), funded by the National Institute on Aging, is pleased to issue a call for pilot study proposals focused on behavioral interventions to promote healthy aging, especially those that enable middle-aged and older adults to adopt and/or maintain active and engaged lifestyles. The center’s mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of at-risk, vulnerable populations and to identify the most effective mechanisms for adaptive behavior change. We are interested in multifaceted, holistic interventions engaging multiple systems (e.g., psychological, social, cultural, neural, nutritional, physical, biomedical, spiritual, cognitive, motivational) to promote active, engaged, and healthy lifestyles despite the challenges of aging and disability. All studies should be pilot clinical trials, to be registered on, that fit within the NIH Stage Model for Behavioral Interventions and the Science of Behavior Change approach. The scope of the project should generally allow for completion within a one-year timeframe, although it may be possible to obtain a no cost extension or permission for two years of funding.

We are also interested in collaborative applications that leverage expertise and resources (e.g., functional assessment core) at the Boston Pepper Older Americans Independence Center. Investigators, including junior faculty and postdoctoral trainees, from the center’s five collaborating institutions (Brandeis University, Boston College, Northeastern University, Boston University, Hebrew Senior Life/Harvard Medical School) are invited to apply.

Those from other Boston-area may apply if they are collaborating with or mentored by a member of the Roybal Center executive committee.

Please submit all application materials through the Roybal Center Submission Site by the deadline of 5:00pm on January 12, 2022. A letter of intent (LOI) should be submitted by December 1, 2021.

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