Book talk: Remote Work Revolution, Succeeding from Anywhere – April 15
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Book talk: Remote Work Revolution, Succeeding from Anywhere
Join Harvard Business School professor Tsedal Neeley and dean of Harvard College Rakesh Khurana for a fireside chat about Remote Work. Neeley has been studying virtual and global work for nearly two decades. She will share insights from her new book, “Remote Work Revolution: Succeeding from Anywhere.”
In the last year, people have had a glimpse into the opportunities that remote work can afford them, such as nonexistent commute times, flex time, and increased productivity. Many organizations are planning to permanently incorporate remote days into their long-term routines, or give their employees the option to work from home full-time. On the other, remote work has brought to light many challenges that are inherent with virtual arrangements: work life boundaries can blur and people can feel isolated, out of sync and out of touch.
Professor Neeley and dean Khurana will discuss the future of work as well as how people can remain motivated, how to use digital tools intelligently, how to keep track of productivity, how to maintain connections without face-to-face contact, and more.