Biostatistics Journal Club: Machine Learning Approaches to Visualize Disease-Related Biomarkers – February 8
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Biostatistics Journal Club: Machine Learning Approaches to Visualize Disease-Related Biomarkers
Hui Zheng, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital, will present on machine learning approaches to visualize disease-related biomarkers. Clinical investigators often seek to identify biomarkers that are associated with clinical outcomes. Zheng will discuss traditional statistical tools and machine learning methods to visualize large numbers of biomarkers that are inter-correlated, and with varying degrees of association with the clinical outcome of interest. At the end, he will present an effective visualization approach that allows investigators to see the inter-correlations of biomarkers and their association with clinical outcomes with the help of machine learning techniques.
Hui Zheng, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital
Required Reading:
Visualizing Biomarkers and their Association with Clinical Outcomes: A Machine Learning Approach
The Biplot Graphic Display of Matrices with Application to Principal Component Analysis
Self-Organized Formation of Topologically Correct Feature Maps
The Generalized Matrix Decomposition Biplot and Its Application to Microbiome Data